3 Popular Summertime Activities That Might Harm Your Smile

June 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:24 pm
a parent and child in a park during the summer

Summertime is finally in full swing, and there might be all sorts of fun activities that you want to get into! But as you’re out and about and enjoying the warmer weather and extra downtime, you’ll want to keep in mind that certain activities, while fun, sometimes pose a threat to your pearly whites. And one of the last things you should want to happen during summer is to suffer a dental injury! Continue reading below to learn more about a few of the summertime activities that your emergency dentist wants you to be mindful of.  

Enjoying Frozen Treats

While they’re good year-round, ice cream, popsicles, and other frozen treats seem to skyrocket in popularity during the hot summer months since they’re an excellent way to cool off. That said, they can cause various dental problems including sensitivity – and prolonged sensitivity is often indicative of a cavity or another serious problem. These items also often contain sugar, and since they’re normally enjoyed while out and away from home, it’s less likely that you’ll be able to brush your teeth afterward.

You can enjoy these items in moderation, but if possible, pick healthier summer snack options like cheese, yogurt, fruit and veggies. They’ll greatly benefit your smile, and some can still be enjoyed chilled to help you beat the heat!

Hanging Out in Swimming Pools

Summertime and swimming pools go hand in hand, and there’s perhaps no better way to beat the heat and enjoy time with friends and loved ones than by cannonballing into your backyard pool or kicking back and relaxing on an innertube. However, swimming pools can sometimes have improper pH levels, which might harm your tooth enamel if you’re opening your mouth underwater. If you have a pool at home, ensure that its pH level is between 7.2 and 7.8.

It’s also worth mentioning that with swimming pools, there’s also the inherent risk of slipping and falling on a wet surface, or harming yourself in the actual water, which might end with a dental injury. Be careful, don’t roughhouse near the water, and if you’re playing a water sport like volleyball or polo, wear a mouthguard.

Cooling Off with Ice-Cold Refreshments

What’s your favorite summertime beverage? There are so many popular ones out there – iced tea, lemonade, Kool-aid, Gatorade and other sports drinks, sodas and energy drinks, the list goes on. However, aside from being refreshing and delicious, they have another thing in common; they’re often bad for teeth! High amounts of sugar can erode the enamel layer of your teeth, increasing the likelihood of cavities, gum disease, and other issues.

At the very least, rinse your mouth out with water after drinking something sugary, but when possible, opt for water instead. It’s the absolute best beverage for your oral health and can actually help prevent cavities!

This summer, don’t put your smile at risk – but don’t limit your fun, either! It’s relatively easy to ensure the well-being of your smile by taking a few simple precautions, like being careful around pools, wearing protection for your smile during sports, and being sensible about your beverage choices. That way, you can focus on doing what you love without fear of dental disaster.

About the Practice

Here at Community Dentists of Worcester, we proudly serve patients and families in the Worcester community, offering a wide range of preventive, restorative, and cosmetic treatment options. If you have any questions about our blog or you’d like to get in touch with us to set up an appointment for you or a loved one, feel free to visit us online or call us today for more information or assistance. Telephone: (774) 255-7345.

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